Placing orders on B2BHub

Placing an order:

Follow these easy steps to place an order in B2BHub:

  1. Login to your B2BHub.
  2. Go to your Uniform Program in the main menu, or click on Browse Products from the home page.
  3. Select the item you want to add to your order.
  4. Scroll down the product page and enter the quantities you want against the correct sizing. Make sure you've watched the "How to Measure" videos and checked WOTsize to find your ideal size for that item, if it is enabled for your company's portal.
  5. Next, click the "Add to Cart" button.
  6. Once you have added all the items you wish to order to the Cart, click on the Cart icon in the top right corner.
  7. Check the summary of your order and proceed to Checkout.

Depending on your approval permissions, your order will either be placed instantly or it will be sent to your manager for approval.