Understanding your uniform entitlement

A uniform entitlement refers to the garments that an employee is required to wear as a condition of their employment. These garments are paid for by the employer and are available to employees. The quantity and types of garments are usually assigned to employees based on their role within the company.

The types of entitlements explained

When it comes to uniform entitlements, you will either be assigned a Uniform Allowance, a Uniform Allocation, or On Consumption. It's important to understand how your uniform policy works when ordering uniforms on your uniform portal. The uniforms you can see in your online ordering portal will be relevant to your specific role.

  • Your Uniform Allowance is typically an annual dollar amount that can be used towards the purchase of selected uniform items from an employee's uniform range. It is the total budget that your role is allowed to order up to, and is a calculation of the cost of each item. The cost of uniforms is covered by your employer, up to the allowance provided.
    For example: Employee A has a $250 uniform allowance. Their uniform policy requires them to either wear a shirt and trousers or skirt or a dress. Employee A can use their allowance to order their preferred combination of uniform items.
  • Your Uniform Allocation will be a specified list of uniform items that an employee is able to order from an employee's uniform range. The cost of uniforms is covered by your employer, up to the allocation provided.
    For example: Employee B has a uniform allocation of 2 polo shirts, 2 trousers, 1 name badge and 1 jacket. Employee B can use their allocation to purchase these items.
  • On Consumption is usually applicable for companies with a non-compulsory uniform, or who do not subsidise the cost of uniforms. The cost of uniforms is paid for by the employee.
    For example: Employee C can order from their assigned uniform items and will be required to self-purchase.

It is important to note that different employees in different roles, departments or regions may have different uniform entitlements, depending on your company uniform policy.

Your uniform entitlement is linked to your online uniform ordering portal, so all orders can be tracked against it. In all instances, you are able to order as many uniforms as you personally need. For orders that exceed your uniform entitlement, the employee simply pays on their personal credit card. The ordering portal will use up your entitlement first, by default.

Employees: How to check your uniform allowance

As an employee, you can view your uniform allowance on the home page. You can also access it via My Account > My Allowance.


Employees: How to check your uniform allocation

As an employee, you can view your uniform allocation on the home page. You can also access it via My Account > My Allocation.

B2BHub-Uniform Allocation Screen


Managers: How to check your team's uniform entitlement

Managers can get an update on their team's uniform entitlement by running a Consumption Report.

Uniform Entitlement FAQs

Why would I order extra uniform items?
Ordering more than your uniform entitlement is a great idea if you work 5 days a week and want a fresh uniform to wear everyday. For example, by having more shirts, you don't have to do the washing mid-week! Simply buy a couple extra shirts and relax until washing day. The other benefit to purchasing extra uniform items on your personal credit card, you can claim these uniform purchases as a deduction on your tax.

I need more uniforms than I have been allocated
Your uniform entitlement is set by your employer and is the provision of uniforms you are required to wear at work. A uniform allowance covers the cost of buying a uniform so that employees don't have to pay for it out of their wage. You are not able to order more uniforms than your entitlement unless you are prepared to pay for the additional items personally with a credit card. To request a uniform entitlement increase, you need to request this with your direct manager. To learn more how to request an increase, click here.

I think my uniform entitlement is incorrect
If you believe your uniform entitlement is incorrect, first discuss it with your manager. If it needs to be corrected, please raise a ticket on the Service Bot located on your B2BHub online ordering portal.

How do I make a split payment?
Split payments are made when the employee decides to use the remainder of their uniform entitlement, plus pay for some items personally. By default, the system will use up your remaining entitlement before asking for credit card payment on the balance.